Excelling Academically Through TTP
For a list of 4-unit courses available in Session D, please see https://summer.berkeley.edu/(link is external).
AC courses fulfill the University's American Cultures requirements. By enrolling in 6-units, eligible students receive Financial Aid to help pay for TTP.
Application & Checklist
We hope you join us for an engaging, rewarding 6-weeks. To apply for TTP, please attend to the following items:
- Read and complete the TTP application
- Complete and submit all Financial Aid forms
- Complete and submit your Statement of Legal Residency (SLR). The SLR is required of ALL new students at the university, regardless of status. To complete your SLR, please go to Cal Central, under My Dashboard, Tasks, Residency Tasks to submit the SLR
Enrollment Instructions
Once accepted to TTP, you must be activated as a summer at Berkeley. To enroll in TTP, please follow the following steps:
- After you pay your deposit for UC Berkeley, log into Cal Central and opt into Transfer Edge, via the Opt-in to Transfer Edge task that will appear on your CalCentral 'My Dashboard' Task tab.
- Select the Opt-in to Transfer Edge task and click the Accept/Join button.
- After opting into Transfer Edge, your summer enrollment card in Cal Central will be activated within 12 hours. To check if your summer enrollment has been activated, log onto the My Academics page of your CalCentral account and see if the summer term appears. Once your summer enrollment card appears on your Cal Central page, you may select your 2 TTP courses (Ethnic Studies 194 & a 4-unit course of your choice).
* Please note if after 24-hours your summer enrollment card does not appear, please email summeredge@berkeley.edu (link sends e-mail)